From the start, Madsi has been her very own person--so strong
and self-assured, a fabulous mix of sweet and sassy, unafraid to voice her opinion, and passionate in all things.
As she has grown, one of her especially wonderful qualities has been her generosity. Especially for the last year or two, she has thoughtfully planned way ahead for birthday and Christmas gifts for everyone in our family. I'm talking Christmas presents wrapped by Thanksgiving, birthday gifts ready one month in advance. Most gifts are lovingly handmade (beaded bracelets, necklaces, and most recently, tie-dyed shirts), but she sometimes uses her own money to purchase gifts (a candle for me, books for her siblings, a favorite cookie for Daddy, etc.), and each gift is always accompanied by a lovely and very personal handmade card.
All this planning ahead from my daughter--I who still find myself running to the store for last minute cards and gifts, often 24 hours before (or even on the day of) the occasion, routinely up late at night, frantically packaging, wrapping, writing. Where does this sweet girl get such thoughtfulness? Oh yes, it must be from from her father. No doubt her wonderful earthly father has become less of a procrastinator and more of a planner in recent years, and I know that she has learned much by observing his loving and very giving heart. But her heavenly Father is without question the source of all of Madison's most precious gifts. He who knitted her together in my womb, who formed her in the unseen places and who knew her even before she knew herself. HE is the One who supplies all that loving, giving, hugging, smiling, running, giggling, snuggling, praying, drawing, dancing, playing, reading, creating, chatting, bubbling wonderfulness that is our precious Madison. Thank you, God, for this most precious gift. We are eternally grateful and stand in awe of your generosity.